Science and Engineering

Insight provides training and consulting services for clients working in science and engineering. This sector includes the Agricultural, Biomedical, Chemical, Civil, Computer, Electrical, Environmental, Materials and Manufacturing, Mechanical, Mining and Geotechnical, Telecommunications, Transport disciplines. Science and engineering is characterized by complex scenarios for data acquisition, complex data types, advanced mathematical modelling to suit specific applications, and presenting technical results in a language suitable for different stakeholders. As a Microsoft Business Partner we also provide a range of IT support services.

Insight has significant experience with the science and engineering sector. Insight CEO, Dr Mark Griffin, serves on the Gold Coast committee for Engineers Australia. Mark holds a Bachelor of Science (Computer Science and Mathematics), Bachelor of Computer Engineering (Honours), is a Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, and a Certified Professional with the Australian Computer Society.

Insight Business Management, Analytics and Market Research explores science and engineering from a business perspective. Insight Research Services Associated also includes Insights in Engineering Data which explores science and engineering from a technical perspective.