Our Team
Dr Mark Griffin
Founding Chief Exective Officer
Dr Mark Griffin is the Founding CEO of Insight Research Services Associated. Mark has previously taught over 130 workshops in the fields of Data Science and Statistics.
Mark is closely involved with a number of technical societies:
International Institute for Business Analysis (Founding Chair of the Special-Interest Group for Business Analytics)
Statistical Society of Australia (Co-Chair of the Section for Business Analytics)
Engineers Australia (Member of the Gold Coast Committee)
Research Society (certified Qualified Practising Market Researcher)
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (Senior Member)
Australian Computer Society (Certified Professional)
Mark holds the following qualifications:
Bachelor of Computer Engineering
Bachelor of Science (Computer Science and Mathematics)
Graduate Diploma of Statistics
Masters of Biostatistics
PhD (Mathematics)
Graduate Certificate of Professional Learning (in progress)
Luke Pearce
Head of Tech Support | Data Scientist
Luke is the head of Tech Support and is also a Data Scientist at Insight. He is currently completing his Bachelor of Computer Science, majoring in Data Science and Cyber Security at The University of Queensland, and looking at completing a Master’s in Data Science or Cyber Security in the near future.
Student Interns from Griffith University
Insight is sited immediately adjacent to Griffith University Gold Coast within the Gold Coast Health and Knowledge Precinct, and we enjoy a close working relationship with a number of groups at Griffith. Insight also supervises a number of student interns each Trimester.
In Trimester 1, 2024 the Insight student interns are:
Adnan Firos (Information Technology)
Avinash Jaisrani (Information Technology)
Nivethaa Elangovan (Information Technology)
Phương Thảo Trần (Information Technology)